short tender câu
You know, sister those who are with him, Rasool of Allah, we are tender among ourselves.Cô và em cô, Bất kỳ ai sẽ được Thượng đế che ch...

be short of
If she bought 22 such files, she would be short of $16.Khi anh ấy mua 7 cây viết cùng loại thì bị thiếu 22 USD. “We’re going to be sho...

in short
Then molecular reorganization In short momentĐem phần chỉ kết cấu lại trong một thời gian ngắn In short, I think it's time that we sta...

Somewhere along the line they fell short.Trong suốt thời gian sống, họ luôn cảm thấy không đủ. He would like to know why you're short ...

short of
It seems they've run short of poachers and thieves down south.Coi bộ dưới phía Nam hết lũ săn trộm và ăn cắp rồi. Short of a direct hi...

a tender heart
You have such a tender heart and a desire to be with God's people.Linh hồn con vô cùng khao khát và ước mong đến nhà Chúa You are a to...

a tender mother
She is a close Mother, who never loses sight of us; she is a tender Mother, who holds us by the hand on the way each day.”Người là Mẹ g...

a tender spot
I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards and broken things.Trái tim của ta cũng có chỗ mềm yếu cho những tên liệt, con h...

announcement of tender
Announcement of Tender: New Railway Station to Adana Train Station GarThông báo về đấu thầu: Ga xe lửa mới đến Ga xe lửa Adana Gar Ann...

buoy tender
Seagoing Buoy Tender (WLB): The 225-foot (69 m) Juniper-class buoy tenders are used to maintain aids to navigation and also assist with...

call for tender
The Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam has launched a call for tender for security services.Phái đoàn Liên minh châu Âu tại Vi...

contract tender
Göring and Speer got their way, and a contract tender for a single-engine jet fighter that was suited for cheap and rapid mass producti...

destroyer tender
Left to right: Destroyer tender Whitney and destroyers Stewart, Pope, Pillsbury, John D. Ford, Truxtun, and PearyTừ trái sang phải, tàu...

highest tender
The Owner will not be bound to accept the highest Tender.Gia chủ không nên chọn tầng cao nhất.

import tender
Traders are keeping an eye on an import tender from Egypt, the world’s top importer.Các thương nhân chờ đợi kết quả một đợt đấu thầu nh...

invitation for tender
In response to an invitation for tender issued by the British Government, IWC developed a service watch for pilots of the Royal Air For...

invitation to tender
Stages prior to issuing an invitation to tenderđược tiến hành trước khi phát hành thư mời out before invitation to tender have been iss...

legal tender
Currency is legal tender or fiat money.Fiat currency là tiền luật định hay tiền pháp định. A new legal tender dollar has been establis...

of tender age
You can write about a crime or injustice you encountered, as Mary-Ann Tirone Smith did in Girls of Tender Age, which traces the murder ...

open tender
The Philippines is expected to purchase another 250,000 tonnes in an open tender on May 22, after accepting 250,000-tonne offers from V...

public tender
No 5G public tender has been announced yet.Bảng giá dịch vụ mạng 5G cũng đã được công bố. For public tender offers, there is no regula...

sale by tender
Last week, SHKP cancelled the sale by tender of houses No 11 and No 12 at Twelve Peaks when the bids fell short of its asking prices.Hồ...

seaplane tender
title = IJN Seaplane Tender Chitose: Tabular Record of MovementIJN Seaplane Tender CHITOSE: Tabular Record of Movement (bằng tiếng Anh)...

submarine tender
Laid down on December 3, 1934 as a submarine tender ship named Tsurugisaki.3 tháng 12 năm 1934 như tàu tiếp liệu tàu ngầm Tsurugisaki ...

successful tender
(d) the value of the successful tender or the highest and lowest offers taken into account in the award of the contract;(e) Giá trị của...